Song: Leave it Behind Artist: the OFFSPRING Album: Ixnay on the hombre tabbed by: Punky Bass, corrected by:BRANDON WALEN (Auke1@ hotmail.com) email if any questions to get the tempo of the song, listen to the cd and play along with it; this is a fairly easy tab though. The notes may not be exact, so again, listen to the song Intro: G:---------------------} D:---------------------} A:-7777-7777-7777-7777-} E:---------------------} Main Verse: G:---------------------} D:---------------------} A:-77777-55555-77777-77777-555------77777-55555} E:-------------------------------777-----------} Pre Chorus: G:---------------------} D:---------------------} A:-7-5-3-5-777777777777} X2 E:---------------------} Main Chorus: G:---------------------} D:---------------------} A:-----5555-7777-3333--} E:-3333----------------} G:-------------------------} D:-------------------------} A:-----5555-7777-3333-5555-} E:-3333--------------------} Ok, this is the basic tab. It is an easy song, and you should be able to get this on the first few times with no problem. It is self explanitory, as you can tell when to use the different parts of the song. Anyways, thats the whole song right there. I have taken it upon myself to inprove upon the tab that was previously submitted by Punky Jerk. If you downloaded his, it is drastically wrong. This is the right one.
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